Saturday, August 31, 2013

Life via Instagram {July-August}

Happy 4th!

Fireworks at the park.

And snuggles...

Worn out!


Yummy watermelon.

Olympic Boulder Triathlon

I told her I wouldn't buy this lunch box because her birthday was coming up and that maybe she would get some money to come back and buy it. She found a penny on the floor and thought for sure she could purchase it. Smart girl!

Miss Quinny's cute kissy face. Could eat her up!

First experience with the ice cream truck.

Levi qualified for a trip to Mexico at work. Was such a nice resort and so relaxing...just the two of us.

County Fair with Logan.

Brecken did not appreciate getting sang to at dinner for her birthday!

Happy 4th birthday Brecken!

One of her favorite presents.

4 going on 14!

So glad Grandy was able to celebrate too!

And a new big girl bike!

Sweet Quinny at 18 months.

Brecken took dance this summer and she did such a good job at her recital!

Always a monumental day when they can go to nursery for the first time!

Quinn's "yes" face. She isn't talking but will sign more, all done, drink, please and thank you.

Aunt Callie had a layover in Denver so we got to hang out with her for a couple of hours.

Fun. concert at Red Rocks.

Silly sisters.

We always love the Rockie's suite with friends!

I know it doesn't look like it, but Quinn was kind of obsessed with Dinger!