Saturday, August 31, 2013

Brecken's first day of Pre-K

I was thrilled to get Brecken into free pre-k with the district this year! She has been very excited to go, but when we dropped her off for her first day, we were both a little sad. This is the beginning of a long road ahead of us! She will be in school forever now...growing up so fast!


She seems so little to be riding the bus, but the drivers have been more than accommodating and have tried to make her feel comfortable. This was the first day on her first ride home. She only started crying right as she saw me. I think her emotions got the best of her because I know she was nervous from her big day of a lot of firsts. The next time she rode the bus to and from school was a success! I'm grateful to have the bus option because I work and Quinn is often napping during the times she would need to be picked up/dropped off.

Brecken at 4: Wow, where to start...there is so much to describe her and especially dependent on what mood she is in! She can be the sweetest and best little listener/helper one minute and complete opposite the next! She knows what she wants and she has quite the negotiator. Her imagination has become more alive and I often here her talking and making up stories with her toys or when looking at books. She has also become very opinionated about her clothes and hair, which is always good times. She knows words to almost every song on the radio and loves to have the music cranked up loud. She still looooves her blankie. That is her only consistent must have. Otherwise she rotates through different babies/dolls/animals. However, she sleeps with a whole collection around her head at night. She loves Quinny, but they are starting to fight over things now. Oh the drama we have had and probably will forever have! Brecken is definitely a daddy's girl and is his little buddy. She has an excellent memory and can't wait to see her grow and learn as she starts school.