Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Port Procedure

Levi had his port put in today. Everything went well, although a bit of a long day in the hospital. The nurse was super nice by making sure Brecken and I waited in his little curtained off room while he was in surgery so I didn't have to wait in the waiting area with all the infections going around. Brecken was absolutely perfect and didn't cry once, although she seriously had like 5 poopy diapers in a span of 5 hours AND she got it on her clothes, thank goodness for back ups.
He is just resting now and a little sore. I'm not going to lie, it does seem weird he has that under his skin. I feel like he has been taken over by aliens and been implanted with something. There is a pretty big bump where it is and you can feel the line that goes into his vein. I will post a picture once it is healed. He was supposed to have chemo next Friday, but they moved it to Thursday morning instead, so let the poisoning begin....


MEG said...

Ack! Dan's dad had one put in before his treatments began too. It all seems really weird to me. I hope Levi recovers well. You seem to be taking each step with a lot of courage. My prayers are with you ;)

Kelli Eudis said...

I am glad it went well! We'll have to stop by and say hello this weekend. Do you guys need anything? Please let us know!!