Levi had his port put in today. Everything went well, although a bit of a long day in the hospital. The nurse was super nice by making sure Brecken and I waited in his little curtained off room while he was in surgery so I didn't have to wait in the waiting area with all the infections going around. Brecken was absolutely perfect and didn't cry once, although she seriously had like 5 poopy diapers in a span of 5 hours AND she got it on her clothes, thank goodness for back ups.
He is just resting now and a little sore. I'm not going to lie, it does seem weird he has that under his skin. I feel like he has been taken over by aliens and been implanted with something. There is a pretty big bump where it is and you can feel the line that goes into his vein. I will post a picture once it is healed. He was supposed to have chemo next Friday, but they moved it to Thursday morning instead, so let the poisoning begin....
Happy March!!
2 days ago
Ack! Dan's dad had one put in before his treatments began too. It all seems really weird to me. I hope Levi recovers well. You seem to be taking each step with a lot of courage. My prayers are with you ;)
I am glad it went well! We'll have to stop by and say hello this weekend. Do you guys need anything? Please let us know!!
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