Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What we learned today...

After 5 LONG days, we finally got to meet with the surgeon today. We both felt really good about him, and plan to continue treatment with him. Surgery is scheduled for next week, no specific date yet. Unlike other cancers, you can't know the stage of colon cancer until the tumor is removed and analyzed by the pathologist. We will then be able to meet with an oncologist after surgery to determine what additional treatment, like chemo, is needed. Basically his whole sigmoid colon will be removed along with surrounding lymph nodes. He will be in the hospital between 3-7 days and recovery time is about 4 weeks. We can't say how grateful we are to everyone and their fasting, prayers and love. We have really felt so much comfort these last few days. Thank you, thank you. I will also post again once I find out the actual date of the surgery.


Ashlie said...

I'm right down the street...please, please, please let me know what I can do. Love you guys!!

Micah said...

You guys have constantly been in our thoughts and prayers and will continue to be. If there is anything we can do from a distance don't hesitate to let us know. Take care of yourselves. Kelsie, your testimony was both sweet and powerful, what a great perspective. We love you guys. Micah and Christie.

Lauryn Dawes said...

I just saw your blog and just read your news, but I know you and Levi are strong and though the road ahead may be tough if anyone can get through it you guys can. You will definitley be in our prayers and our thoughts. Thank you for being a great example of faith and strength.

The Bergesons said...

thanks for the update--went to the temple this am and have been thinking about you guys constantly today!! love you guys! and will be anxious to hear your news next week-britt and lance

L said...

i'm glad that you feel good about the surgeon. what is yall's address i have some stuff to send you guys. just email me laurenaustinschwitters (@) gmail dot com