Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Surgery Date

Surgery has been scheduled for next Friday, September 25th.


Stephanie said...

Good luck, Levi and Kelsi, I'm thinking about you and praying for you!

The Reichmans said...

kels-I pray for you every night and often multiple times during most days. I can't seem to wrap my mind around it either. Because of all my family has been thru I now feel so much more empathy for others and have been very affected knowing you guys are going thru this difficult time. we love both of you and will do anything we can to help. love you

Wright said...

Ok- I have GREAT news!! Levi is going to come through this just fine!
I know this because... Maggie DOES NOT fast- EVER. She has a testimony of the gospel, wants a temple marriage, obeys the word of wisdom, etc. - however, she thinks that fasting is stupid!
Well, she actually fasted on Levi's behalf last Sunday - so i'm sure that God has been shocked into granting her request that Levi will be just fine!!!

Jamie said...

I am thinking of you and Fasting until you come home.. So Hurry. Fat chic without chocolate and Caffeine could be dangerous.. Thinking of your entire family and lifting you and yours up in prayers...