Thursday, September 24, 2009

Consider Yourself Warned

As I write this, Levi is having tons of fun cleansing his colon. Poor guy. Many people have been inquiring how in the world we found out he had cancer. Well, if by writing this, it helps someone catch colon cancer early, then it will make writing this worth it.
Levi started noticing blood in his stool at the beginning of this year. He went into the doctor around February and they thought it was internal hemorrhoids. They said they can sometimes go away on their own, and in extreme cases, have to be surgically removed. He went through a couple rounds of suppositories, but it didn't help. He pretty much just kind of let it go, thinking it would get better on it's own. Finally about 2 months ago, it got drastically worse. He was having abdominal cramps, increased blood in the stool, blood clots, very thin stool and going to be bathroom as many as ten times a day. I finally convinced him to go back to the doctor a few weeks ago. After telling the doctor his symptoms, she immediately recommended a colonoscopy. It's no wonder she was concerned. He basically had EVERY symptom for colon cancer, but does not fit ANY of the criteria for someone at risk. After the colonoscopy, the gastronologist told us he had a two inch mass in his sigmoid colon, but we would have to wait for biopsy results to confirm anything. The doctor was very concerned, and turns out, rightfully so. He told us he tattooed the tumor with some ink so it could be easily found again. Levi, still being a little loopy, asked him if he at least tattooed something cool, like a skull. The very serious doctor did not think that was funny.
So poop has recently become very normal talk at our house, and we keep joking about how exciting it is going to be for Levi to have normal poop again! So hopefully after tomorrow's surgery, it will fix all that.

Sigmoid colon below:

Levi's tumor (pink mass) on the left leaving only a tiny hole for waste to go through.

On a ligher note, and the joy in our lives, a few pictures of Brecken. LOVE THEM!

Our good friend, Kelli Eudis, took these pictures. Here is the link for more of her beautiful work. Thanks Kelli!

More pictures to come later...


L said...

cute pics, of your child, not the colon. although very informative :) good luck today. our thoughts and prayers are with y'all.

The Bailey's said...

You have the most beautiful baby ever!!