Friday, September 25, 2009

Surgery Update

Levi is out of surgery and doing well. The dr said the surgery went great and as planned. We won't know results until Tuesday or Wednesday. He will be in the hospital 3 to 7 days. Sorry so short, writing this on Levi's Iphone.


Piccolina Designs said...

I am so glad to here that surgery went well. You are all still on our prayers. Not fun that you still have to wait for the results.

The Kings

PS. When you get a chance can you send me your email address at I have something I wanted to send you and Levi

Reimstar said...

Good to hear! We're praying for good results! Brecken is adorable, and those pictures are precious!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
we love you & your family & are praying for you. What a family you have. Stay tuff.

darrel & sandy

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
we love you & your family & are praying for you. What a family you have. Stay tuff.

darrel & sandy