Monday, September 28, 2009

Pathology Report and Levi Update

We unexpectedly got the pathology report back today. I tried to prepare myself, but you are never really ready to hear it. He has been diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer (stage 1 being the best, stage 4 being the worst and most aggressive). The surgeon removed about a 4 cm tumor, which apparently is a large tumor for the colon. He also removed 37 lymph nodes surrounding the sigmoid colon. Of those 37, two had cancer. Since it has spread to the lymph nodes he will definitely be going through chemotherapy, which he won't be able to start for about a month until he is healed. The good news: the surgeon said it didn't look like the cancer was super aggressive, it hasn't spread to the surrounding blood vessels and it was well differentiated.

On to how Levi is feeling. He got his i.v. removed yesterday and has been on a semi-liquid diet. Between it being hospital food and not feeling like eating, he hasn't got much down. He felt pretty good yesterday, but has not felt very good today. We hope he will be able to come home on Wednesday. It's definitely been a long four days in the hospital so far. And again, he was the one assuring me after his diagnosis today that everything is going to be just fine.

And me? I'm doing ok. I'm defintely exhausted. It has been the HUGEST help for my parents to come into town to help around the house and with Brecken, and just to be my support. Thanks for everything Mom and Dad. In fact, I've been a little spoiled. My mom has been sleeping with me to get up with Brecken in the middle of the night so I can get some rest.

I am glad we have the diagnosis and can move on to figure out how we are going to fight it. We won't meet with an oncologist until after he gets his stomach full of staples out in about two weeks. The surgery went even better than expected, according to the surgeon, and I absolutely know it is due to prayers from literally around the world, faith from so many people we know and don't know and the power of priesthood blessings. And those same things are going to get us through these next few weeks and months.


Emily Sue said...

Kelsie, you have been so positive. I am amazed by you! I am so glad Levi is doing ok and he will get to go home soon. It will be a long road, but you seem to be doing good through it all. You are so blessed to have a great support system from your parents.

Nate and Nicole said...

I can't believe you got the report back already. Thanks for the update again. Hang in there! We're thinking about you guys.

The Bailey's said...

I just read what is going on and want to tell you how sorry I am. I'm glad that everything went well with the surgery. We will be praying for y'all and thinking of you constantly. I know this is a very difficult situation, but Levi is a strong person and I know he will do well.

rachelb said...

kelsie this is your cousin Rachel. I just want you to know we love you 3 and have been praying for you! Good luck and keep us all updated!