Friday, September 11, 2009

The rollercoaster from hell....I want off this ride!

We received some news yesterday that will probably change our lives forever. No matter how many times I've heard it, or say it myself, it doesn't seem real and that it's happening to us. For those of you who haven't heard, we found out that Levi has colon cancer. Yes, 28 years old, active, healthy and no family history, my husband has been diagnosed with cancer. I still can't believe this is real and can't quite wrap my mind around it. Of course everyone tells you to stay positive and have faith, and yes, I will try my best, but obviously you can't help but to think about the worst. Death. What would I do? It breaks my heart that there is a possibilty that Brecken would never know her amazing father. Everyone keeps saying, people beat this all the time...but people also lose all the time too. I know, playing the devil's advocate, but I would be lying if I said all these thoughts haven't crossed my mind. Maybe the Lord thinks I need a faith growing experience, and I probably do, but wow, this would not be the experience I choose. Can I please trade it for a new one??
All kidding aside, Levi has been the rock through it all. He's been the one comforting me, not the other way around, I must admit. He has been amazingly calm and positive, which is more than I can say. However yesterday evening and this morning after being on the phone and talking to people, I am feeling a surprising calm as well. Levi has always been the calm one and so many times he has brought me back down, and this situation is no different.
So Levi Rose, don't you leave me! I will be there for you every step of the way fighting and BEATING this together! As you have been saying, "I have cancer, cancer doesn't have me!" We can do this and we will become closer and stronger because of it. We still have many more memories and experiences to come. I love you so much.
I have never been a good journal writer, or even a journal writer at all. So in a sense, this blog has become my journal, and not to mention writing has been a bit theraputic for me. This is something my children (yes, and it better be children and not just child) will be reading in the future. I want them and everyone else to know that I KNOW that our family is eternal and I'm so grateful for that knowledge through the gospel. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ suffered all and knows all, we can turn to Him through whatever challenges and trials we face, no matter how unexpected. I am so grateful for the priesthood powers and know they can heal Levi. Never in my life have I been through anything remotely close to this, and I know it will bring us to our knees in prayer more than ever before. I don't know what the Lord has in mind for us in His eternal plan, but I hope we can turn to Him and trust in Him and get out of this trial what he intends for us to learn. We may never know the purpose for us going through this, but I know there is a reason. Just as I was thinking my life is so great, with a brand new baby and how fortunate and blessed we are, we get turned for a loop. Speaking of how fortunate we are, because of my job at UPS, we have INCREDIBLE health insurance, and money will not not have to be an added stress to the situation and I can't be grateful enough.
We have been overwhelmed with everyone's love, support, thoughts and prayers. People keep asking what they can do for us, well, I don't think there's much anyone can do but remember us, and especially Levi in their prayers. I know I speak for both of us when we say thank you to everyone so far for the kind words, support and prayers...please keep them coming.
I will of course keep everyone updated, and as of right now, we don't know a whole lot. We are meeting with the surgeon on Tuesday afternoon (an eternity away) to determine severity and course of action. We are going to learn more about cancer in these next few weeks than we ever wanted to know.
Everything is going to be ok.....

Much Love,


MEG said...

Oh Kelsie thank you for writing that. I heard this morning about it and haven't stopped thinking about you and Levi all day. Your faith is inspiring. I was wondering if you still had your insurance through UPS. What a blessing in such a big trial. My prayers are with you.

Erin Ann said...

Just when I get control of crying about the news, you write this! We love you guys so very much and feel like you're family. I can't imagine your thoughts, but fully agree with you that the Lord will take care of His children and you both are in our prayers. ps...the renters want to buy the house...

Emily Sue said...
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Uffens Family said...

I can't imagine how you are feeling at this time that is supposed to be so happy. Kels, You, Levi and little Brecken are in our prayers!

PILCHERS said...

your sweet family will definitly be in the Pilcher's prayers.

Wright said...

I agree with you, Kelsey - everything is going to be ok! We will certainly be fasting on behalf of all three of you, and of course a lot of prayers will be sent up too! Thank you for writing this post - I have been wondering what your thoughts are - I am glad you are willing to keep us all posted. All four of us love you guys!!

southernbelleang said...

I am so sorry to hear about everything. We will keep you, Levi and Brecken in our prayers. Cancer for me has always been one of those things that can't really be explained and can leave you thinking why us. I am so glad you and Levi are so strong. I know you have had and will have a lot of people asking if there is anything they can do, but let me know if there is anything I can do.

The Bergesons said...

oh kels--i got on to get your address so send my belated present for Brecken I got this week and saw your post. Jo had left me a message this morning and I cannot stop thinking of you and your family! I love you guys and will be thinking of you and Levi and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers! Lance and Britt

Taylor said...

kelsie-- chris told me the news tonight and my heart dropped. please know that our prayers are with you.


Alyse said...

We will definitely be praying for you guys...I know I'm in a totally different state- but if there is anything you need, I would love to help.

Liz said...

Wow. What can I say? Chris told me this morning and just know, your family is on our minds and in our prayers.

Reimstar said...

Wow, talk about a shocker! I couldn't help but cry when I read this. But it sounds like you are doing your best to keep a positive attitude, and that is really all you can do. Just know that lots and lots of people will be praying for you guys, including our little family.

Whitney said...

Wow I'm speachless. Well wishes, love and prayers from the Larsons, (and Drapers too!)

Eaton Family said...

Thanks for writing the blog - We have been so worried! Tuesday does seem like forever away but we're praying for a good prognosis. I'm sure it's already been done but Nathan and I went to the temple today and put your names in too. I'm not too far away and will gladly help in whatever way I can!!

Rachel Haas said...

Hey Kelsey and Levi! We have been thinking about you guys constantly the past couple of days and you are in our prayers and thoughts every day. We know that you guys are strong and can make it through this trial. Please keep us updated and if you need ANYTHING AT ALL we are right across the road. Please DO NOT hesitate to call. See you guys at church and know that there are lots of people to love and support you through this.

maggie said...

Okay Kelsie. It's going to be okay. Levi is too wonderful for Brecken not to know. The family is fasting today. Lots of prayers will be coming your way. Give our love to Levi. We all love you guys.

Summer said...

Kels and Levi...we have been fasting and praying for you and you are constantly in our thoughts. Know that we love you and please keep us updated. I wish we were closer so at least I would feel like there was something I could do. We love you and we will keep up the prayers and thoughts. Love you.

JoEllen said...

Kelsie, I know you have a strong faith. I will pray for your family. You and your family are one of the strongest LDS familys I know.Keep strong for him.We do not always know why this happens. We love you and keep us posted.

Jessi said...

Kels, just from what I have noticed, I wanted to tell you how awesome it is to me to see all the strong and loving support everyone has for you. Everyone at this office is there for you, and we're taking care of your mom. ;) You know you're in our prayers and hearts. love to you.

Amanda said...

Sorry I blubbered so much on Sunday...that's all you need, people crying in front of you. You're acting so strong. You need one of those Lance Armstrong bracelets...
We love you guys, you're in our prayers each night.
The Stuarts

Danielle Smith said...

You don't know me, but I am Dylan's sister. I just want you to know that my heart goes out to you guys. I have been thinking about you guys a lot recently, since my mom told me. You guys are definitely in our prayers. The Lord loves you and you WILL get through this. The Lord will never give us anything we can't handle.

Codi Walker said...

Kelsie and Levi I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you. By the way Brecken is beautiful!