Thursday, July 23, 2009

Welcome Baby Cache (not my baby)

Sorry to get anyone's hopes up (even mine), but we're not welcoming our baby, we're welcoming Levi's brother's baby, Cache Boyd Rose. He was born July 22nd and weighed just over 7lbs, sharing a birthday with Levi's grandma, Twila. He was so precious and made us very excited to meet our baby girl hopefully sooner than later! Maybe these two were playing in heaven together and she will want to come now that he's come! I did think it was a little unfair that Melissa was due 2 weeks after me and got to have her baby first!


Emily Sue said...

I agree, I was a little unfair!! Just think how beautiful your baby will be when she gets here. Congrats on being an aunt again, and can't wait to pics of your baby girl. FYI to you, we just found out we are expecting... twins!!

Nate and Nicole said...

We just got back in town last night, I pull up google reader, and before I see the title of your post, I see a newborn baby! I so thought it was yours (though after I realized it wasn't, I also realized I would've heard from you guys and not just on your blog :) ha).

Oh, and congrats Levi on your first tri. They're addicting. Or so Nate says :).

Brad and Melissa said...

I can't believe that you are already only 5 days from "d-day". Since it will hopefully come immediately, good luck. We hope everything goes well and can't wait to see pictures!