Monday, July 27, 2009

If he builds it, she will come....right??

Levi really likes to be one with his projects...haha

The baby's room is finally done! She's welcome to come anytime (hint hint)! Levi had to put every piece of furniture together and stayed up until 2am last night building the dresser that came in a million pieces. I love the way the room turned out. The walls are still bare, still trying to decide what I want to do...details details. Pictures of the basement in the next day or two, still organizing down there, just details lacking there too. I am excited to have a new place to decorate though. Again, props to Levi's hard work on everything, love him!


Stephanie said...

It looks great! Congrats on finishing in time. Don't worry, I'm still trying to figure out what to do with my walls, and probably always will be. At least your paint looks cute and I like the chair rail. I can't believe you and Tanya are due anyday! Good luck- you'll do great. I know how agonizing it is to wake up everyday still pregnant. Just wait until it's you're due date and nothing's happening....AH! I hope that doesn't happen to you. With Emily I wouldn't even get out of bed on my due date because I was so depressed I didn't go into labor during the night. Haha! I think I started the next day. Well, good luck!

Kerstin B said...

I love the baby room! You guys did a great job on the house.