Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"Tri" for your Cause

This past weekend Levi did his first sprint triathalon which consists of:
1. 500 M Swim
2. 10 mile bike
3. 3 mile run

He finished in 1 hr and 13 minutes and I think is hooked! He had a blast (other than getting pasted by a 63 year old man)!

Teri and Levi trying to stay warm before the race

What? OK... And on a side note, lake was shut down earlier that week for e-coli break out...NICE

Do you see him? Yeah, me neither...
He's the one on the right taking his swim cap off
Heading out for the bike ride

Finishing up the bike ride
Finishing up the last leg...the run
Yay! You did it!

And yes, I'm still here!
*Pics to come soon of the basically finished basement. Needs some organization and few last details. Also, Levi started painting the baby's room, so hopefully pictures of that by this weekend. I have to say, I have the best husband in the world, he has been working so hard to get this done and I love him so much! I know he has been stressed out by this, so I just can't say thank you enough to him.


JRKimball said...

I saw your link on fb, Congrats to Levi on the tri. OK we are for sure going to do a tri on Aug. 8 in Vail. Ya'll should join us, if the baby will allow.