Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Heart Will Go On...

I went to the Celine Dion concert a couple of days ago, I "had" to take a customer for UPS and "had" to sit in a suite. It was definitely past my bedtime, but it was so much fun! I'm not a die-hard Celine fan or anything, but she did amazing! She sounded perfect live and her voice, and just her in general, was beautiful. I would definitely see her again in concert. I had a blast singing along to all of her songs with all the middle aged women that filled the Pepsi Center.


Nadine said...

fun...and congrats on the baby girl. i'm pretty jealous. i just told justin about you guys being pregnant the other day. he's way excited for you guys too.

Stain and Katie said...

Hi Kels and Levi!! I found your blog CONGRATULATIOS! I am so excited for you guys! Give me your email so I can add you to my really lame blog that I never update :) I miss you guys!