Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Feeling the baby move for the first time today (A TON). Wow....amazing, but also kind of a strange feeling. Can't wait for her to get here!

Also ventured through Babies R Us for the first time. Wow again, very overwhelming and we had NO CLUE where to start, not that we were planning to buy anything that day anyway. I'm going to need some major advice! So feel free...


Nate and Nicole said...

email me... :)

Wright said...

Tell Levi that I have a D60, however my friend has a D40 and I like it better. I like the site he reviews cameras and he has the same oppinion that I have about the D60 vs D40. Levi should check it out. Everything Rockwall says about the D60, I would say to Levi. Can't wait to see yall at the wedding! I would love to help him with the camera.

Stephanie said...

How fun Kelsie! I love when I fell the baby move for the first time. The world of baby stuff can be intimidating, good luck! I hope you are having a baby shower. :)

Reimstar said...

Ohh that is so so exciting! Congratulations again!