Friday, February 20, 2009

It's a.....

Our good friend Erin is in ultrasound school and she did an ultrasound for us this afternoon. It was the most amazing thing to see her. She was kicking around, sucking her thumb and moving a ton (and I haven't felt a thing yet). Everything looked good so far, so I was grateful to hear that. Levi has been predicting a girl all along, so turns out he was right! We are very excited and can't wait to start buying all those cute little girly things!


Uffens Family said...

Ultra sounds make it all seem so much more real and GIRLS ARE SO FUN! Nothing to compare it to... but I love it :) Levi will be wrapped around her little finger! Congrats you guys!

Piccolina Designs said...

I am so excited for you all. Girls are so much fun. And yes, Levi will be wrapped around her little fingers just like Ramsey is wrapped around M's. I enjoyed reading through your blog, so much fun. Hope you don't mind that I popped over here from Angie's.
Again, congratulations on the little one. I am so excited for both of you.


anne said...

Yeah!!!! Congrats!! I'm loving having a baby girl...ours will be friends for sure. Can't wait to meet baby girl Rose.