Sunday, February 15, 2009

For you, Mom...

14 Weeks

16 Weeks


Wright said...

love the belly! so cute! hope you are feeling ok. We can't wait to see pics of the 'sure to be gorgeous' baby - make that 9 months hurry up!!

Nate and Nicole said...

How cute is pregnant Kelsie!! I love it. Now find out the sex already! We need to know if Will has a buddy or a future spouse cooking in there :).

Unknown said...

oh you look so cute! miss you guys

Taylor said...

keep taking pictures kelsie! i didn't and i regret it. we are so so happy for you guys!

The Reichmans said...

You're cute! i am glad you survived your long stay in kentucky and that levi got to come visit you. I am excited to hear soon what you are having-as I am sure you are too:)

MEG said...

Are you SMALLER at 16 weeks then you were at 14? I'm starting to not like you so, just kidding.

You look adorable!