Monday, September 15, 2008

Never Try This At Home!

So we ordered the "As Seen on TV" Flowbee to give Sammi a hair cut. We thought, spend $80 on this one time, and save $50 every two months taking her to the groomers. Very bad mistake. The poor dog is choppy, missing hair in places and had to spend 3 hours to look that bad. That product is horrible, I would not recommend it to anyone. And to top it all off, when we were almost done, it quit working. I'm hoping the seller on Ebay will return it for my full refund. It's definitely not worth our time and hassle to save the $50. Just pay it and she gets a hair cut, bath, toe nails cut, ears cleaned and the part Levi refused...the anal gland. What a deal! Anyway, poor Sammi was very patient through the whole thing. We felt so bad and promise to never do it again! I'm also glad it quit working because Levi wanted to try it out on himself, very bad idea again.
What were we thinking buying this thing...I mean come on, look at the picture!!
(For those of you who do not know what a Flowbee is, you attach it with a hose to your vacuum and it cuts hair and sucks it inside the vacuum...good concept)


MEG said...

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. I have to say that's a big disapointment. I totally thought the Flowbee would work! Can you send it back?! Now I'd love see a picture of Levi and Sammi's new haircuts!