Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Home Sweet Texas Home

Best ice cream ever...wish we could get it here!

Famous Steakhouse that served President Bush's inaugural dinner
Levi & Jaden

Git ur Guns Up RyRy!
Texas Tech vs. Eastern Washington Game
Me, Aunt Karan & the Masked Rider

Love these signs...

For Labor Day weekend we road tripped down to Sweetwater, TX to visit my Aunt Karan, Uncle Jon, Cousin Denise, her husband Jason, and their two kids Ryan and Jaden. We went to a Texas Tech game, ate really good food (fried cheese, Mrs. Allens, Blue Bell Ice Cream and Perini Ranch Steakhouse) learned all about John Deere tractors, cotton farming and wind mills. We stayed with my aunt, and if you can't tell, she is the #1 Texas Pride Texan! Her home is beautiful and you can't find a room without stars and Texas. Thank you Karan for everything, we had so much fun and can't wait to come back....wish we were closer, love ya'll!


Nate and Nicole said...

Wow. Seriously? Hilarious. I'm glad you guys got to take a get away back home though! Looks like you had fun.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kels! We love y'all and can't wait for your next visit! BTW, we actually pulled up all of our weeds the day y'all left! :0) Denise

Lindsey said...

Oh my goodness!!! I was in Roscoe which is about 10 miles west of Sweetwater on Tuesday. Justin's family is from Roscoe. I thought you had family in Sweetwater. Everytime we drove through there I thought to myself I really do think Kelsie has family here because I remember yall going to Sweetwater.

Dylan, Holly, and Aspen said...

That is so funny. I'm glad that you took pics. Her house looks beautiful! Hope you guys had a good time. See you Sunday!

Rebecca Parker said...

kelsie-probably don't remember me, but i'm britt bergeson's sister:) anyway, i will have to show those pics. to my husband 'cuz he served his mission in tx & keeps raving about the food in general especially blue bell even though i keep getting excited when i find blue bunny & get confused:) we've had cooper's bbq (another fav o' pres. bush) shipped to us in wa too! fun that you got to go back even if short n' sweet visit-there's no place like home!

The Reichmans said...

That is some serious texas pride! I loved the pictures they made me smile

Nadine said...

i'm pretty sure that i want to live in texas someday. i hear it's an amazing place. i'm glad you had a good time.

Walter said...

I will travell to texas!!!

I think its a nice place

anne said...

wow. you guys have been doing some fun stuff! We have got to catch up. Your trip/work in the Phillipines looks incredible. Talk with you soon, Anne

anne said...

p.s. Mike said, "who is that guy? Brave dude. I wouldn't let starfish close to my nads."