Sunday, August 3, 2008

Midnight Release

Lame-o back drop....bats?? There are not bats in the books, and behind us you cant see the grave stones, and again, have nothing to do with the book.
Me and cousin Cassie-Vampire bite tattoos...HOT!
All of us lined up after got the book at midnight.
I've officially been "bitten" by Breaking Dawn. We went to the midnight book release, and although quite lame, we had a good time anyway. I really could have bought the book at Wal-Mart the next morning for cheaper because it's not like I stayed up all night reading. I read 17 pages and fell asleep. I've heard that people are not very happy with the book, but I'm not far enough in to decide, I hope it's at least ok!


Anonymous said...

I finished the book this afternoon. All I have done for three days is read!! It was ok. I understand that she had to tie up all the loose ends. My favorite book is still Twilight! Aunt Kim