Monday, July 28, 2008

Breaking Dawn Excitement

Can I just say I'm sooo excited for the release of Breaking Dawn at midnight on Friday. The girls in the family are planning on attending the release at Barnes and Noble on Friday night. We'll see if I can make it that late, may need to take a nap before! There's a contest for the best Bella, Edward and Jacob, I definitely won't be participating in those activities...but maybe the vampire-bite neck painting?? Haha!


Nate and Nicole said...

Kelsie, that is hilarious! Take pictures if you do go to the release party... I want to see what kinds of people go to that type of thing. I would bet it will be all women!

southernbelleang said...

I was wondering if they were going to have a book release party anywhere around here. I am excited to read Breaking Dawn to see what happens next. =)

Nadine said...

wahoo!!!! that's all i have to say about that.

Emily Shafenberg said...

I am so excited to read the book. I will probably see you tomorrow night.