Thursday, August 14, 2008

He's Home!

I am so happy Levi made it back from the Philippines safe and sound last night. It was a long and lonely 2 weeks without him, but he had tons of fun and worked super hard. I did get to talk to him almost everyday, so that at least made it bareable. While he was gone I was overly OCD about the doors being locked, I left almost every light on in the house (including the tvs), hung a purple plaid sheet over my back door and slept with a loaded 38 hand gun in my night stand. The gun...probably a little unneccesary, but maybe a little more peace of mind. I missed him so much and realized how lucky I am to have him as my amazing husband and I don't know what I'd do without him in my life. He took tons of great pictures so I will do some posting this weekend. For now, I have an appointment with the Olympics and Michael Phelps.


Nadine said...

oh...justin will be sad that he missed yet another opportunity to go. poor guy. one of these days i'm just gonna save all my money and send him. post some pictures if you can...he would love to see them.

MEG said...

I'm so glad there is someone out there as paranoid as me! -And why is it that the dog barks at night when the hubby is out of town? It makes me think there is someone lurking around the house....


Lindsey said...

I completely understand I would go crazy if Justin left me for 2 weeks. I would prolly pack my things and go stay with my mom and dad! I am worried about the doors even when Justin is here. All of his pictures are amazing. I hope that you are doing well!