Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sammi's First "Real-Professional?" Haircut

So, last week we took Sammi in for a haircut. We attempted her very first hair cut on our own, but decided it was worth it to pay the money. Well, I find out after the fact, the place we took her was the "Great Clips" of dog groomers. Never again will we take her there, because they basically butched her. The longest they could cut her was 5/8". And this is what she turned out bows and reeking of old lady perfume for a week. Now that we can actually see her eyes, they seem to be looking in opposite directions. Good thing we still love her! But please let the hair grow back fast! So when I say first real-professional haircut?...I'm definitely questioning the professional part.


Nadine said...

haha that's so funny. she still looks cute though.

Bonnie said...

she is CUTE! i especially love the pink bows.

Erin Ann said...

Hey miss! I tagged check out my blog and get the details. Levi was right...puppy needs long hair again!! Sammi is still pretty cute

Chris Jess Hannah said...

she is cute! I need to get Hannah a puppy!