Saturday, February 9, 2008

Oh Crap!

(Her eyes look a bit freaky, promise she looks cuter in real life)

We all have our issues, right? No need to be judgemental. Well, our little Sammi has issues of her own. Apparently we are neglectful parents, and don't feed our dog, because she likes to eat her own poo. Sick, right? DISGUSTING! We spoke to the vet about her little issue, and it's pretty normal. His reasoning is she's just trying to be clean and keep her space clean. Well, anyone that knows me should think, great, she has a little dog that shares the same value in cleanliness. Wrong! As much as I love the clean, this is not acceptable in my household. So we got home tonight and Sammi had eaten her poo while we were out running errands. Levi couldn't stand her breath, so he decided to break up a peppermint and make her eat it. Well, here is the kept getting stuck on her little face. I died laughing and had to take a couple of pictures. For the future, does anyone know if they make official dog mints?? We seriously need to invest in some!


Stephanie said...

You new posts are hilarious Kelsie! I was laughing at the dog eating the poo and then I scroll down to the hideous shirt! That is SO ugly!!! HAHA! Your cruise looks like fun. I need a vacation right now. It sounds like you need another one. Hang in there with that job!

Anonymous said...

The joys of a puppy!! She is getting so cute. That shirt of Levi's is probably worth some money - try EBay! Your cruise pictures are great! I am ready for that family cruise. Luke and I have been looking and we see lots of options!! Love you

Erin Ann said...

A peppermint!! Did you bite into it first and then give it to her like a little kid?! That is too funny. It always turns out like that...the clean one gets stuck with the messy one!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say hi! Looks like you had lots of fun on your cruise. Sammy is almost as cute as Bella! Bahahaha! Miss you and love you. Cassie

Whitney said...

I changed my blog to
just thought I'd let you know. I apologize if it screws up your link or google reader.
