Saturday, March 8, 2008

Tag I'm It...

10 yrs ago...
That puts me at about 14, so probably really excited to finally go to church dances, since all my friends were ahead of me. I was in high school and probably looking forward to my next sporting event of basketball, volleyball or track.

5 things on my to-do list...(I LOVE lists)
1. Laundry
2. Buy more dog food/treats for my Sammi
3. Pay my energy bill
4. Buy Levi's mom a birthday present (March 13th)
5. Figure out a b-day present for Levi (March 24th)

Things I would do if I were a billionaire...
1. Pay off our house...or actually, get a bigger house and pay that one off
2. Buy Levi a new car...I just got one
3. Pay for Levi to go to dental school
4. Donate a bunch to Vaccines for the Philippines
5. Save and Share

3 of my bad habits...
1. Definitely picking my cuticles on my firngers
2. Being too OCD
3. I can kind of be nagging sometimes...I'm sure Levi can attest to that

Places I have lived...
1. Gilmer, TX
2. Provo, UT
3. Thornton, CO
4. Henderson, CO

Jobs I've had...
1. Cleaning my dad's office
2. Waitress at Glory Bee Bakery
3. T.A. at BYU
4. JCPenney
5. Intern at Corporate Alliance
6. Teller at Bank of the West
7. AE for UPS (current)

Things most people don't know about me...
1. I am kind of a home body
2. I love to sleep, and I go to bed way to early. I wake up excited to go to sleep that night.
3. I love to go to the mail box...however usually to find junk mail or bills
4. I'm a pretty picky eater
5. I'm kind of a perfectionist when it comes to my house
6. Target is my favorite store
7. Definitely a germ-o-phobe
8. I love expensive jeans...didn't say I could afford them, but love them
9. I love a great deal
10. I dont really like getting flowers, would much rather have clothes
11. Definitely not an animal lover...except for my Sammi (which likes Levi better than me)
12. Chores I hate...mopping, dusting, cleaning the shower...most outside work. Love to vacuum.
13. I miss Utah
14. Stress and worry way to much
15. Levi knows me better than I do


The Reichmans said...

I am glad that sammi had bows put in her hair. Ryan just got his hair all cut off and he looks so old. I loved reading your tag. Pete knows me better than I know myself too. Hope you got some good sleep after writing that...

Bonnie said...

I remember when you were 14... so much fun! :)

Bonnie said...

i miss you too! i miss all the payne's actually! tell your mama i said hi. said...

i can't believe that 14 was 10 years ago for us!?!? wow!

Summer said...

Hi Kels and Levi! It was so fun to see you on Sunday. We miss having you around. I love any time we get to spend with you and our great family! Hope to see you again soon! Love ya! Summer

Jessi said...

Your mother has requested a blog update. Thank you.