Friday, December 14, 2007

Very Sad Day

For those of you who do not know, I was in an accident a couple of weeks ago. I was going straight across an intersection with a green light and another guy was across the intersection turning left. Obviously he did not yield to me and we ended up hitting each other. No one was hurt thankfully...but my favorite car suffered some pretty good damage, although it doesn't look that bad. The guy that hit me was hispanic, did not speak English and only had a Mexico driver's license...however he thankfully had valid insurance. After the insurance adjuster looked at my car, they determined it had over $9000 of damage and they wanted to total it. This was the night I went to clean out my car (I look sad, right?) so the insurance company could take it away. I was literally sitting in my car crying as I was cleaning it out....I'm going to miss that car so much! I got it as a present for high school graduation and thought I was going to have it forever and drive it into the was such a great car. So now the insurance company is giving us $14,900 for another car. We were shocked to get that much. Not bad for 6 year old car with 70,000 miles. Anyway, now the "fun" of shopping for a new car...or a new used car...I DON'T KNOW! I HATE making these kinds of decisions. Perhaps another Camery?
P.S. Don't worry Drew, I did get my BYU Alumni license plate holder off for my next car...although the other BYU plate holder was broken in the accident...sorry!


Nate and Nicole said...

What a bummer! I can relate to how sad you are... I cried when I sold my cute white Jeep that I had since high school :). I'm glad you're okay though. Good luck car shopping!

L said...

I got hit in the exact same spot, and i cried too. i'm glad you weren't hurt.

L said...
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Leah Armstrong said...

Oh My!! I'm so glad you are ok. It is fun shopping for a new car though!!

The Reichmans said...

Kels I had no idea you were in an accident-I am glad that you were not hurt. Sorry you had so say goodbye to your car. I hope you find one you like just as much!

Alyse said...

Hi kelsie! I didn't know you had a blog! How exciting! I'm sorry about your car- but at least he had insurance! Last year, our brand new car was hit while bryan was driving and the guy just turned around and took off. Bryan had to chase him, but he couldn't catch him since the car was in such bad shape! Oh well! Have a Merry Christmas! Are you guys still in Colorado?