Friday, December 14, 2007

Ready for Christmas...almost

Levi's intense Manger Set- he almost couldn't find baby Jesus

Our cute little tree in our little nook
Levi's Christmas lights

Christmas lights on our house have been an on going project for Levi. He's done a great job and he's loved every minute of it. Well, except when he tied himself to the roof with an extension cord in case he slipped and fell off, hopefully the cord would break the fall a bit....scary! Although it's less than 2 weeks away until Christmas, it doesn't quite seem like it. With UPS, things are just starting to get crazy...can't wait to suit up in my browns! haha, yeah right!
Random funny story: Levi's brother was teaching primary at church, the 5 year olds. During singing time, they were singing Away in a Manager and one of the little boys leaned over to him and said, "I have those action figures they're talking about in this song." Isn't that the cutest! He obviously is playing with his mom's nativity set at home...hope it's not breakable!