Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thanksgiving Trip

This was me the entire trip,

reading Twlight....I'm definitely obsessed!

Me and my mom outside the Vegas Temple

Chris's Family and his new bride, Taylor
Family Pic
The Gilmer Crew
At the reception with Chris

We spent part of our trip in Vegas and part in Utah. We had a great time getting away and spending some time with my family. Levi spent half of his trip at the dentist, 3 days in a row, filling 8 cavities! We also braved the early morning hours on Black Friday and went shopping at 4am. Don't worry, I stood in line for a DVD player at Wal-Mart that we saved a whole $4.98 on...ha. But Levi stood in the freezing cold for an hour and a half at Target to get us a new camera...which I'm really excited about. And only in Utah can you buy a beautiful picture of the Salt Lake temple at Costco! We then drove home later that day in our "brand new" 1996 Toyota Avalon from my parents (for which we are truly grateful). Now we can sell Levi's car and have no car payment...yea!


The Reichmans said...

It was good to see you over the break-I am glad you love twilight-I am totally hooked.

ambercarlson said...

Yeah! You updated~ We we wondering where you two had been! Amber

The Reichmans said...

Hey could you email me your address or just leave it on my blog. My email is!

Leah Armstrong said...

Chris got married..awe! Send me more pics...I want to see a close up of him and his bride.

Your mom and dad look do you and Levi. Happy Holidays said...

Kelsie!!! Hi!!!