Friday, August 13, 2010

one year comparisons and some stats

Miss B had her 12 month check up with the following stats:

Length: 28 3/4 in. (25%)
Weight: 18.3 lbs. (20%)
Head: 17 3/4 in. (50%)


Also for your viewing pleasure, some one year old pics of me and levi. what do you think?

L: Justin, R: Levi

Also noting, official first word: uh-oh. Unfortunately there is also a very "fun" game associated with this word.


v said...

I think she is a living doll. Sorry Levi, but Miss B favors the Payne side of the family, in my opinion. Regardless, y'all are a beautiful family.

Lindsey said...

She looks just like you! I have always thought she did. Emerson loves to say uh-oh and plays the game oh so well!