Friday, August 13, 2010

levi's 3 month check up

We are happy to announce that Levi had his 3 month check up this week and everything still looks great! We are so thankful! He will need another colonoscopy next month, so we pray we will get the same news then. Thanks again for everyone's love, prayers and support, it means the world to us.



Jordan and Luci said...

That is great news!

This is random, and you don't know us but we are friends with Brigham and Steph. I've been wanting to thank you for a long time. I happened upon your blog from theirs the day you posted about finding out Levi had cancer. My husband had been having similar symptoms and we never thought anything of them until I read your blog. I can't thank you enough for sharing your story with us. He had to have a colonoscopy, they found a growth that wasn't cancer yet (but could have turned into it) and removed it. He now has to get checked every few years to make sure the growths don't come back. Seriously, thank you for sharing your story with us. I have cried reading it and I have cried because I am so thankful you posted all about the symptoms. I honestly feel like because you shared your story, you have literally saved our lives. I wanted you both to know you have helped us more than you can ever know and thank you just doesn't do justice what I wish I could express, but it will have to do. Thank you again.