Sunday, July 5, 2009

Only 27 days!?

I've been lucky and have had a really easy pregnancy, and I keep getting, the, "when are you going to pop?" questions and "are you so ready to be done"?? Well, NO. I'm starting to freak out just a bit from how much there is to do before she comes. (So little baby, if you are listening, PLEASE don't come early!)
Here is the "adorable" nursery so far....
So cute, huh? (Are you sensing some sarcasim?)

And here is our lovely, almost finished basement...
Crossing our fingers it will be done within a couple of weeks...

And a preview of the nursery...kind of...
Did you see any room to shove the cute, comfy glider in the nursery? Yeah, me neither, hence why it has been sitting in the middle of my living for a month. Nice touch, dont you think?

And this is the quilt I am going off of for the nursery...


Piccolina Designs said...

I so understand not being ready. Towards the end of my pregnancy when people would ask if I was ready to be done, I would say no. It is so much easier when they are still in the belly, they go wherever you go, you don't have to carry a diaper bag, change diapers or warm up bottle. :) But they are so much fun outside the belly. I cannot believe you are so close to your due date. So exciting.