Thursday, June 25, 2009

Kankle Update

I'm sitting here bored, because I can't really walk, my house is somewhat of a mess (to my standards anyway)...but what do you do? Your husband is working hard in the basement (part of the mess) and as much as I'd LOVE to get all this baby stuff organized, I have no place TO organize it. I try to ignore the chaotic mess, now known as the guest room, soon to be baby's room while I "patiently" wait for the basement to be finished. So I thought I'd give you an update on my FAT kankle, because I'm sure all are just dying to know. (I must be bored if I'm sitting around taking pictures of stupid foot again...LAME (literally).

1. Went back to the doctor, NOT broken...
2. Got a really cool ankle brace to sport...
3. Still can't really walk well...
4. But have some cool colored bruises to show off...


Erin Ann said...

Kels - the only swelling allowed while pregnant should be your BELLY. I'm sorry about your abusive husband. Levi - we do need to sit down and talk...and that ice cream is DELICIOUS!

MEG said...

I remember the last week of pregnancy - I had little quirky things that I wanted to finish up (like sizing all of the baby clothes in the closet), but I just didn't have the energy to do it. My mom came to town and I sat in the rocking chair while she asked me what the things were and did them with me sitting there. That meant the world to me. If I were there I'd offer to do the same for you. Will the basement be finished in time for baby? Wow girl, you have a lot going on there!

Stephanie said...

Wow, that does not look good! You poor thing. Hopefully it gets better soon.

The Reichmans said...

You are getting so close to being done. I am sorry that you hurt your foot-it looks painful. Your shower looked like it was lots of fun. I can't wait to see pictures of the nursery because I am sure it is going to be darling. What is the baby going to be named btw?