Sunday, June 21, 2009

When you can no longer see your feet....

....apparently, you can no longer see dangerous curbs you need to step off of, and not fall off of. So, I fell off a curb, when I thought I was walking down the wheel chair ramp. No one saw me, so it saved some embarassment, but I also barely made it to my car to drive home. I have now spent an exhausting 4 days hobbling around and icing my ankle. I don't think I have rolled an ankle like this since high school basketball and I don't remember it being THIS bad. Not to mention the extra weight that went down on my ankle when I fell. It also doesn't help my gravity is thrown off by a large mass in the middle of my body and already having a hard time getting up and down. But now I am having to be totally dependable on one leg, that is now extremely tired after a busy, exciting weekend with my mom in town, baby shower and hanging out with family. However, being on crutches along with being 8 months pregnant, does get you a lot of sympathy. I went to the doctor, but they didn't want to do an x-ray because I am pregnant, but I'm sure it's just a bad sprain. They wanted to cast me, but I was like WHAT? Isn't there something else I can do? So they gave me a lace up ankle brace instead. Seriously did not want to deal with a stupid cast. So hopefully this heals over the next few is getting really old and really lame.
I've been trying to avoid the kankles!


L said...

oh my gosh. are you any better?

tothe4thfloor said...

Oh no! I hope it gets better fast. It cannot be much fun to have one more thing to worry about on top of ALL the things that come with being big and preggo. I fell at 22 weeks or somewhere around there right on my stomach and I had to be in the hospital the rest of the day for extra precautions. Soo embarrassing...