Sunday, June 21, 2009

Baby Shower

Baby Shower...Vintage Theme....LOVED it!
These little antique shoes were so precious
These little cupcakes were made by my crafty friend, cute!!

Me & Mom...thanks for coming!
Me & Erin
Tara, Grandma Twila, Aunt Kay, Laura and Kim
Fellow UPSers: Leanne, Cindy, Mary Kay, me and Rhi
The shower throwers...Kim & Gail, thank you so much!

I had so much fun at my shower, it was so nice that so many people made time out of their day to come. I got lots of really adorable, fun little girl stuff. I can't wait to get it organized and in the nursery (basement still pending of course). I wish I had more pictures (there were lots more people not pictured), but Levi wasn't there to be the photographer :( ....but at least I got a few shots. Thanks so much to every one!


Jessi said...

again, another super cute shirt!