Monday, May 11, 2009


...what more could a man ask for?? Levi just finished (and passed!!!) his last and final undergrad class, calculus and Bill just got released from being Stake President for the last 9 years (or actually, counting the time he was a councilor before, 14 years) and with no chance for a break (you can maybe blame that on the Nazi pregnant lady), they have started to finish our basement. With Bill's experience building their own house, and Levi eager to learn, it will be quite the project. We are soo excited to get this done. We've been wanting to do it for a while now. But with a baby on the way, we now have a deadline (and the basement is only one of the deadlines!!). The upstairs bedroom, that is currently the guest room, will be made into the nursery, and guest room will move down to the basement along with a nice TV/family room. It will give us more room to entertain and actually be able to fit on the same couch together! We are planning on getting a nice, big sectional as well as hang a flat screen on the wall. So here is a nice "before" shot, and hopefully the "after" shot won't be but a couple months down the road. Stay tuned...


L said...

good luck with the basement remodel. just a warning. it will be hell until it's done. we haven't even moved walls and i'm about to pull my hair out.

Wright said...

ya! that sounds fun - speaking from someone who recently went through a horrible remodle, it is SO worth all of the mess and impatience! can't wait to see the "afters"!
Still no name for baby girl?

Scott said...

Are you calling Levi and his Dad tools with your title?