Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mums the Word

This is for you Erin....

For those of you who didn't grow up in Texas, this is probably a very bizaare tradition, but wanted to educate you on Homecoming--Texas Style. Believe me, it is a very big deal! These very large Chrysanthemum (FYI, a flower) with lots of ribbons and trinkets (mini megaphones, mini cowbells, whistles, etc.) hanging from it, is called a Homecoming Mum. I so wish I would have kept a couple of mine from back in the day, but I unfortunately didn't. I got a new one every Homecoming for as long as I can remember.

How and why do you get these beautiful creations you ask? You get it the day of the Homecoming football game and it ususally gets sent to the office for you to pick up at the end of the day. Who would buy you such a thing?? Well, either your boyfriend and/or parents (yes, you might wear one on each shoulder). And the proper etiquette would be for the girlfriend to get the boyfriend a garter to wear on his arm. Among the thousands of ribbons flowing from the mum is your name in glittery letters, and if your boyfriend gave it to you, his name is on another ribbon. Usually the longer your mum is, the more cool it is (as well as more expensive). Then you pin it to your shirt, so your shirt is constantly being pulled down from the weight of your mum. You then wear this to the football game, which of course is where everyone in the entire town is at, because we're in Texas right?! Love it....


Erin Ann said...

oh dear! Those are some serious SERIOUS mums! haha...I never knew. Thank you for the education - I guess it's true what they say...everything is bigger in Texas.

Stephanie said...

WOW Kelsie! You can't even see the girl's dress! That's crazy.

Wright said...

OK, so I have lived in texas my whole life, and I have never had a mum! I had the same boyfriend through most of highshool, and I let him know I would be totally embarrased to wear one. I know that was not the popular choice, I just have always hated them. I must have subconciously passed that opinion on to my daughter, because she thinks they are ridiculous! I pity the boy who ever tries to give her one - she might kill him!
I will say, that now I am older, I think they are fun and I like the school spirit business - where else can something so silly and over the top be totally cool? Only in Texas!