Sunday, April 5, 2009


All the cousins (that were able to come)

Cute Railey & Maggie

Uncle Jon & Aunt Karan

Tommy, Jenni, Maggie & Tim

Derrick & Carrie

Kurt, Valinda, Dylan, Kyndal & Railey

Prego lady and husband

My family, minus Drew

My model sister as some guy kept saying...

This past weekend we went to Austin to my cousin Nicole's wedding. I had a great time seeing family I have not seen for years, a lot since my grandma died in 2000, and Levi had not met a lot of them as well. The weather was really warm, almost hot, so a preview for the summer months I will be big and pregnant.


Wright said...

i just put on my pics from austin too! I haven't posted them yet - they pretty much look like yours!

Uffens Family said...

You look so dang cute! Love the pics of Austin. That is actually where Mike is gonna set up his dental practice in 2 short years!! You will have to tell me the areas to look to live in!

Nate and Nicole said...

You are so cute! It's kind of weird seeing you with your prego belly since I haven't seen it progress. To me it looks like all of the sudden you have a belly out of nowhere! You look great though.

Lindsey said...

You are so cute pregnant! Have y'all decided on a name yet? I only have 6 days left and I am ready!!

Cindy said...

Kelsie you look so cute! Little girls are a blast and yours is guaranteed to be a doll.