Saturday, March 14, 2009

Half Way There

I've hit the 20 week, half way mark this weekend and I still feel like I have a long ways to go! My clothes aren't fitting and I'm really missing sleeping on my stomach, but other than the general tiredness, I'm feeling really good. I'm sure August will be here before we know it.


Nate and Nicole said...

Glad to hear she's still a girl (name??!), and you look so cute, Kelsie!

tothe4thfloor said...

I wish we lived next to each other so we can be pregnant together! You look so cute!

Lindsey said...

You look so cute! You are going to get to start wearing those lovely maternity pants soon! If you don't have a belly band yet you should get one. I wore my regualar pants for a while after I couldn't button them anymore since I had that belly band. I only have 4 more weeks and I am so ready! Do you have any names yet?

Uffens Family said...

You look awesome Kels!

Leah Armstrong said...

OK..NAMES?? We want to hear some possible names.

Where to start?'ll need everything.