Saturday, January 3, 2009


Our neighborhood had a Christmas lights contest this year, and Levi decided to enter. He did lots of campaigning (since he works at the community center) for votes, and we ended up winning a $100 gift card. He's already got major plans in mind for next year. He really enjoys decorating the house and is very proud of his accomplishment. However, it makes me nervous for him to be on our steep roof. He had a harness on this year, but didn't have a rope to tie himself down with. He ended up making a make-shift rope out of a tow strap and extension cord. I'm sure real safe. Then I had to hold him down so he wouldn't fall backwards while he sat on the ledge of the top right window. Crazy boy. Stay tuned to next year, I "hear" it's going to be bigger and better. In fact, he got up early the day after Christmas so he could be at Wal-Mart first thing to buy the half-price lights.


Nate and Nicole said...

Nice work, Levi! Your house looks so cute.

We just want to know... sewing, decorating... what's next??! :)

Liesel said...

I'm sure it was the Thomas family votes that put you over the top. :-). I'm glad you won.