Saturday, December 27, 2008


Mom and sweet Sammi

Drew sent me this beanie with my name on it from his mission, very sweet & thoughtful
Grandma Twila & Aunt Kim

Levi & his sister, Holly

The Girls

We had a wonderful Christmas this year and were especially happy and grateful my family came to join us in Denver. They were a bit hesitant at first to come, but I think they enjoyed it. Also worth noting, Sammi was a hit with everyone, including my Dad, which is a miracle within itself. In fact, Christmas morning I came down and Dad had come down to lay on the couch and his favorite (only) grand-dog was snuggled up on his lap. Wish I had caught that on camera. We also got to talk to my brother for about an hour on Christmas day. He sounded very content and happy and it was good to hear his voice. My parents are now counting down the days until Mother's Day. He has been out just over 8 months, can't believe it. We had a great day spending time with all of Levi's family as well, and now I'm sad it's all over.
As a side note, I of course had to work Christmas Eve, since I work for UPS. A few other people and I were tasked with searching for a child's bike that was supposed to be a Christmas present. It was "supposedly" scanned into this one 40 FOOT trailer that was completely packed full of packages from front to back, top to bottom. Do you comprehend 40 feet? I don't think so. About 3 hours and 3000 packages later, we did NOT find the freaking bike. So next time you get a UPS package that has a foot print on it, you might have a bit of appreciation why. I stepped on or sat on at least half of those pacakges trying to find that stupid bike. Oops! And I of course got to wear my lovely browns...


Wright said...

Hi Kelsie! You guys look great! I need your address so that you don't have to hear about us from your mom's mail! We miss all of you so much - especially at the holidays. Tommy went to gilmer yesterday - we will NEVER get used to yall not being there. Little Sammi is beautiful - love her outerwear!
Looking forward to keeping in touch via blog - I love it! jenni

Wright said...

p.s. - check Maggie's new blog -

Aaron Shafenberg said...

I had a similar experience on Saturday. Friday I had been looking for a package containing a customers payroll... he demanded that he have it in his hands by 6pm Friday evening... needless to say, we didn't find the package. Being that I'm the Saturday Air Supervisor, I figured after I got all my drivers out of the building and things had settled down I'd go look in the closure trailers for the package. Well, after all my drivers left, I went over to the west wall by the downtown center where the closure trailers were (same ones you were in looking for the bike), and to my surprise, the trailers were gone! I went to every single door of the whole building looking for the two trailers. After no success I started to look out in the yard and found one of the trailers... still no package though. At this point the customer had already been calling and was now demanding that he have the package in his hands by 12pm. Also, we had the national account rep for the customer breathing down our neck (yes that's possible through a phone). He explains to us that he's in the middle of closing this 10 million dollar deal and that finding this package will make or break it. In his own words he says, "think of this package as the 10 million dollar package, you better find it!" No pressure there ehh! anyway, I went back out to the yard looking for the other trailer and myself and Mike Murphy (Preload Sup) found the trailer. We starting sifting through the wall of packages loaded. Still nothing, so I decide to climb atop all the packages and shimmy my way on top of the packages with roughly one foot of room between the packages and the roof of the trailer and head towards the nose of the trailer. I got all the way to the nose and guess what I found!!! The package!!! I reached my around and grabbed my phone, ripping my nice banana republic pants in the process (not that they weren't already dirty from the packages, and I called to call my OMS to tell her. What a day!

Nadine said...

i bet you had fun hosting. looks like you had a ball.

Nadine said...

haha...i just checked my blog and you left me a comment at the same time i was leaving one for you. i didn't even tell justin i was doing it. he was in bed asleep and i had an impulse. they don't really bug at all anymore, but i will probably have to trim them once a week to keep em out of my eyes.

Lindsey said...

I think it is so funny about your dad! I am glad yall had a great Christmas. You didn't have to work late on Christmas Eve did you?