Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Explosive Diarrhea

So Sammi had some major runs for 3 days this week....3 days! We finally took her to the vet and some anti-biotic, a shot and $100 later....the poo has subsided. Thank goodness! She stayed with Levi's parents this weekend and she ate their dog food, but we're not sure exactly what the cause was. But these pictures show what I came home to yesterday. I wanted to die! I locked her in the mudroom while we were gone since she was sick, and I'm definitely glad I did, but seriously Sammi, the whole hallway?? If you blow up the picture, you can even see it's on the door! (also not shown, inside the laudry basket) What the heck?? During those 3 days we gave her at least 10 butt baths, because every time we woke up, or she went outside to relieve her self, her bottom was covered in poo. Poor thing. I'm grateful the poo is over, so now she needs a good all over bath to finish the job.


Anonymous said...

oh no you didn't, kels! U r a nut but I love ya! Cousin Denise

Anonymous said...

oh no you didn't, kels! U r a nut but I love ya! Cousin Denise