Sunday, May 18, 2008


So, I had a surgery this past week that involves a six week recovery. It hasn't even been a week yet, but I am sick of lying around the house. Most do not know I had this surgery, and those who do, don't know much about it either, other than it's a female surgery. I won't go into any details, because it is very personal, and a very difficult subject for me to talk about. But if you want to do the research on your own, I have vulvar vestibulitis, so the surgery involved removing some skin that had nerves that were firing when they shouldn't. Research shows about 70% success rate, so I'm praying for that. I've been dealing with this trial, and it has been a major trial in my life, for about 4 years now. I've tried everything to fix it and no doctor has even been able to help me until I met Dr. Ellis. Every doctor I've gone to with my "problem" has said there is absolutely nothing wrong with me. It has been extremely frustrating and disheartening, but my new Dr. has given me hope and at least made me feel like I'm not totally crazy. This extremely rare (I might be the only case in CO in the next 5 years) and evasive surgery was the last resort after many other experiments, but I'm going to have a positive attitude that it WILL work. Levi has been a trooper through it all and I love and appreciate it him so much more for it. He has been there for me through it all and I don't know what I'd do with out him. He has had such a good attitude this past week waiting on me hand and foot. I also very grateful for my mom, she came out for a few days too, and I'm sooo grateful she did. So I guess while I'm off of work this next 5 weeks, I'll try to enjoy relaxing, catch up on some reading and enjoy being with my amazing husband.


Leah Armstrong said...

Wish I lived closer so I could come to your rescue. You are in my prayers. Love ya.

L said...

I so wish that I could come out and help! At least while you're home you can do your favorite thing-Sleep! I hope you recover quickly!
Love and miss you, Lauren

Nadine said...

ah man...i'm sad that you have to go through all of this. i hope you recover quick.

The Bergesons said...

I am so sorry but also relieved for you that you finally have some answers and a possible solution. Hope all goes well--britt

tothe4thfloor said...

Get well soon!