Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Life via Instagram {Sept-Oct}

Labor Day movie seeing Planes. We thought we were pretty smart to bring in car seats to keep the babies restrained :)

Broncos day at school!

So brave getting shots…not one tear! That can't be said for her baby sister...

Dirty looks.

Silly girl.

And silly girl #2.

Child labor. Jk. Doing her chores to earn money for Disneyland!

This is "nacho" cheese, it's MY cheese!

Nature & Science Museum.

Miss Q. and her speech therapist that we really like.

Looking through scopes with daddy at Cabela's.

Waiting for the school bus.
This girl sure did miss her big sister when B went to Utah with Grandma Gail and cousins to stay with Grandy and Pops.

Fun with Grandy, Pops, Aunt Callie and neighbor girls in UT.

All wet from Pops redneck outdoor shower…

Miss B's school picture. So sweet.

Thanks to Aunt Callie, I can no longer pretend this store doesn't exist :)

She thought it was pretty great to get to come with mommy to get her hair done.

Impressive all us girls purchased Broncos gear! After 8 years of living in Denver, I guess I can show a little support.