Saturday, May 18, 2013

Life Via Instagram {April}

We started off April with a parent-cation to Vegas. Levi won the trip from work, so we decided to take full advantage.

It was the first time I'd left Quinn.

The pool at Caesar's Palace. This was my favorite day!

Silly girls.

Quinn found AND opened a Reese's egg. I was nice and didn't take it away from her, but moved it to a more controllable environment ;) 
Levi took a Saturday off so we had a fun time at the park!

Tickles and giggles with Daddy.

The best eater award goes to Quinn. Brecken is not even a close 2nd.

We finally got this in the mail. We couldn't wait!

So much fun at a new park!

Rare snuggles.

We discovered that B had been pulling out her hair. Hence the lovely "slumber cap" to deter her! Sad day for this already hair challenged girl :(

A Sunday morning with great grandparents. Chairs just their size.

B loves Grandpa Boyd.

And new "old" toys to play with there!

Ready to jam with her pink head phones.

Little standing cowgirl.
And little falling (head-first) cowgirl. Oops!

Q was introduced to the slide. B loved taking her and we loved NOT having to go down the slide ourselves!

Documenting Q walking @ 14 months (April 5, 2013)

Chocolate gotee.

Left: how Q felt about sharing my old rocking chair with B.