Tuesday, August 3, 2010

i'm taking the plunge...

and having lasik in a month! Ahhh...to be able to wake up and see, something i've never really known! unfortunately for me, i've been four-eyes since 3rd grade, eight years old, in mrs. taylor's class (the teacher that said i was ugly at that stage). thanks.

bad news. i have to wear my glasses until then. worser bad news...i might die. i HATE wearing my glasses. i'm pretty much going to be ugly and a grouch for the next month. you're welcome levi. you still want me to have this procedure?? :)

It never really bothered me until I had a baby and couldn't see when I got up in the middle of the night. In fact, when at powell, b was sick in the middle of the night and I thought she threw up, but it was just her yellow binky all blurry.

since i never wear my glasses, they are about four years old and the prescription is not up to date, so i can't see real well.

disadvantages to wearing glasses: no sunglasses, can't see to fix my hair, can't see to put make up on, brecken likes to grab them, they give a headache, they get greasy and fall down my nose, get dirty...shall i keep going? nah, i'll spare you. plus the advantages after surgery way out weigh the disadvantages. can't wait...unless i'm the unfortunate 1% that loses their vision after surgery. ha. jk. it will be fine...



Lindsey said...

Let me know how it goes! I'm blind as a bat, too, but I'm such a baby and really scared of lasik!

southernbelleang said...

We got lasik 6 years ago and I am still so happy we did it. Good luck, you will love it.

L said...

do you remember when you got contacts? you got up every hour to make sure you could see or something that night.

hopefully the lasik will make it so you can even read the little disclaimers on tv!

Liesel said...

Good luck! Let me know how it goes. I have long considered this for me...I am SUPER blind w/out the contacts/glasses. My eyes change so much when I get preggo they told me to wait- so now I'm done with that...but right now my eyes are "unstable" and was not a candidate...but maybe in the future