Tuesday, July 6, 2010

she remembers...

Every couple of days, B finds her way to our little nook where this picture of Jesus is. The first time she found it a couple of weeks ago, she squeeled with sheer delight. I seriously knew she was thinking..."JESUS...I've missed you!" The veil is so thin for these precious babies. I felt the spirit so strong testifying that these little ones come from our lovely Heavenly Father and He has entrusted us to take care of them.


When I first put this picture there when Brecken was immobile, I thought, I'm sure I'll have to move this when she starts crawling. But every time she makes her way over, she just giggles, smiles and touches it, but never tries to pull it off.



v said...

Miss B is adorable...in case you didn't know. Love all the pictures. I would have taken a picture of the tattooed prosthetic if I'd had my camera. It was a little surreal.