Tuesday, April 20, 2010

This morning I woke up to you sleeping like this...

I took a picture...right after I made sure you were breathing :)


Jessi said...

soooo cute! and i would think the same thing too...about the breathing.

the footie pj's are too hot for my syd. are you having this problem? i can't find any super light jammies.

Whitney said...

I remember the 1st time I took Justin out of his "wedges" He kept rolling over. I was so paranoid. Now guess how he sleeps, Yep on his face EVERY night, every nap always! nothin I can do :( I think its so cute though! Little Brecken is adorable!

Piccolina Designs said...

I did the same thing the first time M slept like this. I still check on her most nights before I go to bed, just to hear her breathing, and she is almost 2.

tothe4thfloor said...

Natalie sleeps like this! All the time.