Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving in UT

Thanksgiving was pretty low key this year with my parents. We were just grateful that Levi felt pretty good and was able to enjoy his Thanksgiving meal. It was so yummy, and we were looking forward to the delicious fried turkey. Levi just still had to watch his coldness (drinking and touching).

My dad said last Thanksgiving he was ready for some grandchildren to be added to the family to make holidays a little more exciting, well he got his wish this year. We were barely pregnant last year at Thanksgiving, but we weren't telling yet.

Levi carried through with his usual early Black Friday shopping. I had to sacrifice and stay home with Brecken. He loves scoping the ads to find the best deals.

While we were there, we received an unexpected delivery. My dad bought the new Polaris Razor. It's like a 4-wheeler with bucket seats, a steering wheel and roll bars. For any of you that knew us and my dad growing up, we were absolutely, positively NOT ALLOWED to ride 4-wheelers, so it was a HUGE shock when dad kind of made this impulse purchase. We are excited for next spring and summer to enjoy this trail riding along with a new wakeboarding boat when Drew gets home in less than 5 months.

We had so much fun in UT this year and are sad it is over, and of course Brecken never lacked any attention from her favorite Grandy, Pops and Aunt Callie.

Side note: I also started back to work this week....been really hard....trying to take one day at a time....

Mom insisted Brecken be our table decoration for Thanksgiving.

Starting to get a little more hair.

Pops and Miss B.
Mom had us going around to friends, family and neighbors to take pictures with this sign to send pictures to Drew for Christmas.

And Brecken got her own personal sign and photo shoot.
Thanks for the cute outfit, cousin Denise!

Chemo Round 2: Thursday.Friday.Saturday


L said...

i seriously can not believe your dad bought that! that's so funny. brecken is gorgeous as ever!

Anonymous said...

I know I have said it before, Kelsie, but you have the most gorgeous baby! Brecken is such a doll. I hope round 2 goes well this week. Best of luck and lots of prayers.

Lindsey said...

I love Brecken's outfit! That is so cute! I think she looks so much like you now. I am glad that yall had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I can't believe your dad got that Polaris! That is so funny.

Erin Ann said...

Kels - I'm sorry about work. I wish we all lived in a big house together and Reid and I could just work for the both of you...hmmm...that sounds like a good plan :) Glad thanksgiving went well and crazy about the 4-wheeler. Looks like fun.

MEG said...

Kelsie, You'll have to let me know how it has been to go back to work. I know it's HARD. Who will be watching Brecken? Dan watches Axton during the day when I'm gone and I think it has been good for all of us - me included. (and I never thought I'd say that).

I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving and Brecken is SO ADORABLE in that Christmas outfit!!!!

Bonnie said...

love that baby, miss you, but ESPECIALLY happy to see your dad wearing his christmas suspenders. always makes me laugh.

anne said...

Brecken's looking good in that butterfly outfit ;) Levi, glad you got to enjoy Thanksgiving. Keep hanging in there... and you too Kelsie! You guys are amazing.