Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Life via Instagram 5.11-5.27

Quinny has found her thumb :(

So she earned herself some mitts...

B singing her favorite Tangled song.

Slide at the park with "Auntie" Tuyet.

Daddy braiding her hair (and this is ONLY done by Daddy).

Matching yellow polka dot dresses -- not on purpose, but oh so cute :)
B nursing her baby :)

Lotion anyone!?

Loving her new "sprinkle" shoes.
Oh, and STILL the thumb...grrr. And I DO keep the mitts on her, but she finagles her way out every time!


Cindy said...

Ada and MJ both stuck with the thumb for a few days and gave it up. Don't stress too much. They sense it and keep doing whatever you don't want them too :)