Sunday, December 13, 2009

Santa's Lap

This might be the last picture we get of her with Santa for the next couple of years. She doesn't seem to mind sitting on his lap this year, but next year, she will totally know what's going on and might not like it so much.
Merry Christmas....Love B.


Collin and Traci said...

She is so precious! I can't believe how big she is!!! :) Absolutely adorable. I love her little wardrobe too! You do a great job at making her look as cute as she is!!

Uffens Family said...

She looks absolutely adorable!! And smart to get one while she still isn't sure whats going on...I have yet to get one of those :(

Dylan, Holly, and Aspen said...

Very cute. You might have one more year that she still won't get it too much. Aspen did good her first two years with Santa and we went to see Santa tonight and she about had a heart attack. So I can say that this is the first year that she looks upset sitting on Santa's lap.

Stephanie said...

She is so adorable. I love her 4 month pics.