Monday, November 23, 2009

I just wanted to give a quick update that Levi feels We are going to take this thing day by day, and yesterday and today have been pretty good. If he is able to make it through 3 bad days and get good/decent 11 days in between, that is doable. He still is experiencing some of the side effects like numbness in his hands and still can't drink anything cold, but he ate his dinner tonight and it actually tasted good to him, which means his taste buds are starting to come back, a good sign. So hopefully he'll be able to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday :)


Stephanie said...

good to hear. thanks for the updates!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear Levi is on an upswing. We hope he keeps feeling better and that you guys have a great Thanksgiving.

gzander said...

Thank goodness Levi is feeling better. Your updates help us stay in the loop (besides talking to your Mom!) Safe travels for Thanksgiving. We love you guys.